Excellent Education
in the Field of Digitalization and Transformation
Knowledge Snacks
The current situation presents us all with major challenges. In these difficult times, with our online courses we offer you the opportunity to gain exclusive insights into the topic of “Digital Transformation”! In short presentations, experts from our research partners will convey the most important contents and in a subsequent Q&A round, they will offer the unique opportunity to answer your questions. Learn more
Our Highlights
- Digitalization as an Opportunity for the further Development of Industrial ServicesLZE2021-04-23T11:13:29+02:00
Our Course Partners and Knowledge Carriers

The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of the world’s leading application-oriented research institutes and has outstanding competencies in microelectronics and information technology.
The Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is one of the most innovative universities in Europe, employs over 600 professors and conducts top-level research with worldwide visibility.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB has decades of experience in applied research in the fields of semiconductors and intelligent power electronics.
Our Mission

Digital transformation presents companies with ever greater challenges, but also offers new opportunities. It means change for employees and managers in all industries and positions.
Together with experts from renowned research institutes, the LZE.Academy develops a range of courses for digital innovators as well as individual courses tailored to your needs for your company – achieve your digital transformation goals!
LZE.Academy – an offer of LZE GmbH
LZE GmbH is the operator of LZE.Academy and is part of a joint initiative of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, the Fraunhofer-Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB and the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). The company emerged from years of close cooperation between the two Fraunhofer-Institutes with the FAU and pools the concentrated technical expertise existing in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg and Erlangen.
As a unique link between scientific research and industry, the LZE GmbH enables not only access to innovative technologies, but also access to knowledge of the three partner organizations. The LZE.Academy provides education programs developed by knowledge carriers of Fraunhofer IIS, IISB, the FAU or programs developed in the cross-educational project “Education Centre for Digitalization and Transformation” (WDT).
Your Advantages
Take advantage of our Education Program to develop your skills in the field of digital transformation in a targeted manner.
Our speakers from high-ranking research institutions provide you with unique access to highly topical issues.